Solar Tax Credit Gives Homeowners Once In A Lifetime Savings
A little-known solar program that was passed by the government in 2005 to help the middle class has been rediscovered. The program is called the Solar Investment Tax Credit, or ITC. The program itself is totally free, and gives homeowners once in a lifetime savings on home solar. Like most government benefits this tax credit will expire, but there is still time left for thousands of qualified homeowners to take advantage and lock in their savings. It's important that homeowners don't wait though, because the program will expire in 2016.
ITC Lowers The Cost Of Going Solar
The Investment Tax Credit has no downsides, and helps homeowners get better, more affordable rates on their energy. It doesn't add any cost to your solar install because it's a totally free government program. Homeowners who used the ITC to install solar now save up to 65% on their energy costs, lowering their monthly payments and saving more than $1,000 per year.
How To Get The Tax Credit
To help homeowners compare options for going solar, services like are available. is a completely free service that homeowners love because it helps them easily compare multiple solar installers at once. It only takes a few minutes to fill out the easy online form, and then a trusted network of installers can help you calculate your potential savings, and see if you qualify for the Investment Tax Credit, as well as additional incentives and local programs that might be available.
Why Isn't Everyone Using This Tax Credit? Here's Why...
Utilities don't want homeowners to know about the Investment Tax Credit because when homeowners go solar, they lock in lower energy rates for up to 30 years. That helps homeowners save up to $33,095, which means homeowners who go solar could take as much as $33,095 out of the utility’s pockets and put it back into their own. Ready to go solar? Calculate your potential savings and see if you qualify »